Anomaly 2 apk bluestacks
Anomaly 2 apk bluestacks

  • Activate Meta Quest 2 / Oculus Quest 2 developer mode.
  • Install / open the Oculus app on your smartphone.
  • Download and install the Oculus ADB driver.
  • Once you have completed these steps, you only have to perform step 7 to continue installing APK files on your Meta Quest / Oculus Quest or Meta Quest 2 / Oculus Quest 2 in the future. Steps 1 through 6 actually only have to be done once. We will go through the following steps to install APK files on your Meta Quest / Oculus Quest (2). Note 2: Facebook is now called Meta and has renamed the VR glasses to Meta Quest or Meta Quest 2. You go through the following instructions at your own risk. Check the source of your APK file very carefully. You could also lose your guarantee and warranty. Note: Installing APK files on Meta Quest 2 / Oculus Quest 2 from sources not approved or verified by Meta / Oculus may result in you potentially installing malware (viruses, trojans, etc.) or software that even damaged your device. How to install this APK file on Meta Quest 2 / Oculus Quest 2? You must use the same keystore every time you update your app.Sometimes you want to use trial versions of apps and games on Meta Quest / Oculus Quest or Meta Quest 2 / Oculus Quest 2 or just install APK files. This is fine since you built the apk you know where it came from. while installing you may get a warning that play-protect does not recognize the organization. C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\build-tools\versionnumber\zipalign -v 4 app-release-unsigned.apk Īfter doing these three steps you can now install on your phone/bluestacks/etc. zipalign comes with the android sdk when installing android studio. To finish up we need to run zipalign this will generate the final apk file. or add the jdk bin folder to your system paths keytool -genkey -v -keystore myquasar-release-key.keystore -alias myquasar-release -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 20000Īfter creating the keystore you have to sign the apk with jarsigner which also comes with the java jdk jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore c:\dev\android\keys\myquasar-release-key.keystore app-release-unsigned.apk myquasar-release Note: you may have to type the full path to run keytool, and jarsigner. I would suggest running the command where you want to store the keystore for example from c:\dev\android\keys\ Keytool is located in your java jdk folder the following example will generate a keystore. You have to use keytool to generate a keystore first. The reason it wouldn't install was the apk not being signed.

    Anomaly 2 apk bluestacks